Friday, April 9, 2010


I am an avid user of Google Reader and I frequently come across new sites that I want to add.  Problem is, I have so many feeds coming in that, while they are sorted by category, I rarely read more than 2 of my 10 folders at a time.  Generally, I switch between Finance, Interior Design, Food and a grouping I call the Thinkers.  This has worked for a little over a year and I liked my system until I began researching Minimalism.

First, let me clue you in on my train of thought.  I find a fact, statement, study, product and I create a knowledge base around its beginnings and that leads me to its application, benefits, etc.  

How did I get into Minimalism? I bought a pair of Vibram Five Fingers, that's how.  Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but VFF's are the reigning champ of the minimalist or barefoot movement and I went searching down the minimalist road.  Minimalism, for me, is an ongoing quest to purge my life of the unnecessary, take stock in quality, streamline my sources and simplify my relationships.  

The first step for me was to go room by room and eliminate 50% of the items in each.  It was really easy and after each room I felt more in control.  My husband even pitched in and while he will not give up his Transformers, he did part with about 3 weeks worth of clothes that he had been hoarding for years..(small victories, people).  

The second step was to minimize my obligations to those that are in general a benefit to myself, my family and society.  A few years ago, I would have considered HBO to be a necessity, or the latest, greatest Apple thingy...(hold up, I really love Apple).  Today, I consider shelter, food, clothing, exercise and education to provide the greatest return on my investment.  

I have a few ideas as to what my step three will be, but I have to slowly work them in with the significant other.  Until then, check out Minimalist Guru Everett Bogue and I'm going to work on minimizing my kitchen appliances and utensils...Hey, I cook a lot!

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